What the kids say

On 16th September some learners from Botha’s Hill Senior Primary shared their experience of iKusasaLethu with the morning congregation at Hillside Church. Here’s what they had to say:

Thank you
If it wasn’t for Joe’s power
Joe’s commitment
I wouldn’t have known better
From the age of ten he guide me
every step of the way
When I reach Senior Primary
I thought I was old enough to
make my small decisions
I am twelve now – I still don’t think
I am old enough to do that
But the first time I saw them
I didn’t trust them
I said they are a waste of time
But they start working and I saw
they were different, they trained
they know their work, they changed
me. I knew it wasn’t their cleverness
It was God’s words. It was the time
I went to church. I am a Christian now,
I attend Sunday School.
Thank you Joe, thank you iKusasaLethu
I wish you are in High School that I am going to.
Because of you I know Jesus is my Saviour
May God bless you Joe and your team
Thank you guys. The end.

I see iThemba Lethu as good influence to
Us as Botha’s Hill Lerners. iThemba Lethu
Teaches us about life risks, challenges and
Choices and about god. How many subjects do
We know that teaches us about god because
Most subject expect us to learn about god
Only in our churches. I mean if it was not
For the Lord we would not be here today.
Because he died on the cross for our sins.
When iThemba Lethu teached us L.O. in
Grade 5 I did not understand what
iThemba Lethu was about then in grade 6
I started to understand only in grade 5
What we were learning about. Now I’m in
grade 7 I understand what I have learnt
From grade 5 to grade 7 and I know
That there are many children out there
Who need help from iThemba Lethu.
I see iThemba Lethu as Mother, a Brother,
A Sister and a good friend. Indeed and
I think iThemba Lethu is a good place
For people who want to learn about or
Who are confused, Scared to make
Choices because they don’t know what the
Out come will be. I thank you for listening.
May God bless each and every one of you.